Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Happy Home Valentine's Week: Vlog Episode 4

Between the long holiday weekend and gorgeous weather, this past week has flown by! It's already Wednesday which means time for a new vlog episode. Since my last update, demo on the master bathroom has begun, the floor tile was installed in the garage entry zone and the entire downstairs has been painted. The entry space should be finished up this week and plumbing progress made on the bathroom... fingers crossed!

It was sunshine and 70's all week, so I spent plenty of time outside on hikes and walks, exploring local towns, relaxing on the deck for the first time since last summer, and a low key Valentine's brunch at my parents' house.

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If you follow me on instagram you may have seen those shots already, or all of the live action house progress on snapchat (@jennasuedesign) but today I get to share some new footage of highlights from the week. I'm enjoying this process more and more with each Episode and I hope in some way you're also able to feel a stronger sense of connection with this more personal format. There are major life changes around the corner and this is the perfect way to capture and preserve their memory forever.

Click below to watch Episode 4:

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and let me know what you think! Is there anything you want to see more/less of? I have some ideas on how future videos will evolve, but as always, I listen to and appreciate your input as well. I'll be back with more renovation updates soon, but in the meantime--let's stay connected through instagram, facebook, twitter and snapchat @jennasuedesign! Have a wonderful week/weekend...


Thursday, February 11, 2016

A fabric bulletin board DIY and Vlog Episode 3

Another week of progress means another vlog! Time has been flying by and although it's been an adjustment, I'm feeling really good about my decision to begin documenting my life through video. It's the first of many steps towards a new future, and while the path may present obstacles and detours, I'll continue to forge on guided by intuition. I've realized over the past year that working towards a values-based goal, with a meaningful purpose is not only the best way to keep you feeling positive and energized, but it's crucial to overall happiness and well being. It's all too easy to take the path of least resistance after we've expended our energy just making it through each day--I'm definitely guilty of this. But our time here is short and the worst feeling you can have is regret. To my friends out there who feel stuck and uninspired--find what excites you and makes you feel alive, as small as it may be--and just do it.

Speaking of getting things done... the house is coming right along and if you're reading this on Wednesday, the master bathroom is in the middle of being ripped out (follow me on snapchat @jennasuedesign for real time action!). That will be part of next week's vlog, but for Episode 3, I managed to include some fun time lapse tutorials of my "DIY plain to paneled door", as well as installing a fabric covered bulletin board backsplash for the new command center. Click on either image to watch the vlog on YouTube:


This episode is slightly longer and more fast paced than last week so let me know what you think!

I thought it'd be helpful to elaborate more on the fabric bulletin board. When planning this space I knew I wanted something beyond a typical drywall backsplash. It had to be easy and inexpensive--bonus points for functionality.

Then I found these Vaggis noticeboards at Ikea:

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At $6/ea, they were a great economical option and it just so happened that four of them in a row filled the empty space almost perfectly. I removed the white frame around the edges and had my handyman cut an opening for the outlet:

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I had planned on framing the edges for a clean look, but realized I didn't love the look of the brown or the visible seams. Painting them was taken into consideration, but then I remembered I had stacks of leftover fabric from various projects, and this would be the perfect opportunity to put them to good use.

One remnant leftover from my upholstered kitchen bench seats was just the right height, and I liked that the blue pinstripes added a touch of color while still remaining neutral.


After ironing the fabric and trimming it to size, I used spray adhesive to lightly adhere it to the corkboard surface (you can see this process in the vlog). Then I bought a strip of lattice, mitered the edges, and secured them using hot glue (and a nail gun in a couple places).


A $25 functional backsplash and simple afternoon project!


I can't wait to stage this space for the house sale.

While at Lowe's I bought a few boxes of ceramic floor tile which is also most likely being right now installed as you read this. A beadboard & coat hook wall is next on the to-do list, and then it will be a wrap after final accessories! Just in time to focus my attention on the last big makeover...

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Most of my materials have arrived so now it's in the hands of my awesome crew to work their magic. I'll have to live in a dusty, noisy construction zone for the next month but I can already start to see the light at the end of this tunnel. And it's filled with soothing spa bliss.

Things are happening fast now, so make sure to keep up on facebook, instagram and snapchat (@jennasuedesign) so you don't miss out between the weekly blog/vlogs! And I hope your holiday weekend is filled with extra love <3


Thursday, February 4, 2016

New Weekly Vlog: Episode 2

Stopping in this morning to share my latest vlog episode! This past week saw progress of the new command center nook, a trip to the coast and family time. Next week will be the home stretch for the nook so I'm looking forward to lots of progress over the next few days. A blog post with more details is in order as well--but for now, enjoy these couple minutes of highlights:

Psst--the Valentine's Day rush is in full swing as you may have noticed from the personalized vow prints in the video. In celebration of this new film venture and because I'm feeling the February love, I've decided to offer my lovely vlog watchers 25% off your own custom vow prints through Sunday 2/7 by entering the code VLOG at checkout. Orders placed in the next couple days will ship before the weekend, and U.S. orders placed by Sunday should arrive by Valentine's Day with standard mail.

Have a beautiful week, friends. See you soon…
