Thursday, January 28, 2016

The next chapter: An announcement

Five years ago I started this blog to document a house renovation. It began as a medium to share ideas and tutorials through words and images, and eventually to help and inspire others on their mission to create a home they love.


Then everything changed, and it became a place where deeper thoughts and experiences were captured—where memories were recorded with the goal of not only connecting with others on a human level, but to archive a personal journey so it wouldn’t be forgotten. So that I’d never forget the moments that changed my reality, and my life forever.


I embraced vulnerability—exposing my weaknesses while finding my strengths and being honest about both the good and the bad. I became a storyteller. Through this I realized the importance of immortalizing these moments of inspiration and clarity and significance so they could continue to live within me—so they wouldn’t become fleeting memories which faded into oblivion.


Once on this path of memory preservation and documentation, there’s no turning back. Not only do we crave proof of our existence that succeeds our mortality, but we’re wired to communicate with each other—to enter into a shared mutuality by bringing others into our own reality and letting them experience life through our eyes. We all crave to understand and be understood.


Intention and meaning are often invisible within words on a page. A simplified, two dimensional narrative is merely one layer of the story, leaving room for misinterpretation. Given this incomplete puzzle, we have a tendency to fill in the blanks with our own biases and assumptions. Messages become lost.


There’s a better way to communicate. A more powerful medium to connect to others, to resonate deeply within us by physically altering our biochemistry, and a path I’ve decided to pursue: Cinema. Visual storytelling and art in motion. Within the fusion of images and sound lies our greatest portal of communication—a catalyst for empathy, awareness and change.


It took turning my life upside down and traveling across the world to see life through a new lens, gain an unfiltered sense of clarity and realize my true passion. Just like anything in life, starting from ground zero requires time, patience and dedication. I’m in it for the long haul though, and just last week I made a decision to take the first step with a weekly vlog.


It’s not meant to be perfect, rather a reflection of reality as I see and feel it. The format may evolve over time but for now it’s a string of brief moments throughout my week—from morning rituals to DIY projects to blogging and road trips and everything in between. I want to be able to reflect back on this season of my life and vividly remember the every day details… the way Biscuit curls up in my bed, how the sun rises over the fog in my backyard, how hard I worked to sand and stain and varnish a piece of furniture to perfection. It’s the small pieces that compose the big picture, and I’m inviting you into my world to experience it with me, one week at a time. Watch Episode 1 here:

Part of this new path means I've decided not to continue traveling indefinitely. It was not an easy decision at all and one that part of me still struggles with (a topic on its own), but I have to trust my intuition that it's what's best for me right now. Travel will still always be an important part of my life and I'll find opportunities to explore this world, but my attention and focus have been shifted to new goals with the future in mind.

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There are some major life changes on the way, and those will all play out through these weekly vlogs. After the home renovations are complete, I plan to focus more on filming, and also updating this blog with a link to each new video—perhaps supplementing the story with additional commentary. If you’d like to stay up to date, make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel for new episodes along with future film projects that I’m especially looking forward to.

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It’s the next chapter of life, friends. I hope you’re out there striving to push your own limits of creativity and personal growth. Amazing things are born from passionate risks.



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